Sunday, 20 April, 2pm Highland Heights Park Walk
Meet at the second picnic shelter, by the pool
Photos provided by Sami Lees.
Barb Holtz, naturalist and member of the Friends of Euclid Creek, will provide a guided tour with interpretive narration through a part of the community park.
She will help us explore the Dusty Goldenrod Meadow nature reserve, located on the Mayfield School Board property on the north side of the park.
Everyone is welcome. Call Frank Skala at 440-473-3484 for information.
Did you ever wonder what lies behind the parking lots and playing fields? Experience the wonders of the Highland Heights Community Park on Sunday April 20th, at 2 pm. We invite you to join us for a guided tour into the "wilds". Barb Holtz, naturalist and member of Friends of Euclid Creek, will provide a guided tour with interpretive narration through a part of the Community Park few of us have seen or experienced.
Did you know that three creeks meander through this area? They are headwaters of Euclid Creek, which flows into Lake Erie at Wildwood State Park . Barb will also help us explore the Dusty Goldenrod Meadow nature reserve, which is located on the Mayfield School Board property on the north side of the park.
Interested? Be sure to wear boots. They don't call them "wetlands" for no reason. We will meet at the second picnic shelter (by the pool) at 2:00 on April 20th. The walk will take between one and two hours. Everyone is welcome.
Sponsored by the Friends of Euclid Creek ( and LOGS (Love Our Green Space), a Highland Heights citizens group. For more information, please call Frank Skala at 440-473-3484.
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